Eight of Cups

Upright meaning

The Eight of Cups is a card of moving on and leaving behind what no longer serves you. It represents a time of emotional growth and a need for change, where you may be feeling unfulfilled or dissatisfied with your current situation. This card suggests that it's time to follow your heart and pursue your true passions, even if it means leaving behind something or someone that was once important to you. The Eight of Cups encourages you to trust your intuition and to embrace the unknown, as you embark on a new journey of self-discovery.

Reversed meaning

In the reversed position, the Eight of Cups can indicate a reluctance to move on or let go of the past. You may be feeling stuck or trapped in a situation that no longer serves you, or may be holding onto something or someone out of fear or attachment. This card suggests that it's important to confront any underlying emotions or fears that are keeping you from moving forward, and to take action towards your own growth and fulfillment.

Meaning for feelings for someone

If you are asking about the Eight of Cups in relation to your feelings for someone, it may indicate a need to let go of a past relationship or attachment in order to move forward. You may be feeling a sense of emotional growth or a need for change in your connection with that person, and may be struggling with whether to stay or move on. This card suggests that it's important to trust your intuition and to prioritize your own growth and fulfillment, even if it means leaving behind something or someone that was once important to you.

Reversed meaning as feelings for someone

If the Eight of Cups is reversed in relation to your feelings for someone, it may indicate a reluctance to let go of a past relationship or attachment, even if it no longer serves you. You may be holding onto that person out of fear or attachment, and may be struggling with whether to move on or stay in the relationship. This card suggests that it's important to confront any underlying emotions or fears that are keeping you from moving forward, and to take action towards your own growth and fulfillment. The Eight of Cups encourages you to trust your intuition and to embrace the unknown, as you embark on a new journey of self-discovery.