Eight of Pentacles

Upright meaning

Keywords: Skill development, hard work, focus, dedication, craftsmanship, apprenticeship.

The Eight of Pentacles represents hard work, dedication, and mastery of a craft or skill. It suggests that the person is focused on honing their skills and perfecting their craft, often through repetitive or tedious work. This card can also indicate a commitment to education or apprenticeship, as well as the idea that success comes through effort and perseverance.

Reversed meaning

Keywords:  Lack of progress, frustration, lack of focus, feeling unfulfilled, boredom, repetition.

The reversed Eight of Pentacles can suggest a lack of focus or commitment to the task at hand. The person may be easily distracted or struggle to see a project through to completion. This card can also represent a feeling of being stuck or stagnant in one's work, with little opportunity for growth or advancement.

Feelings for Someone

The Eight of Pentacles as feelings for someone may suggest that the person is willing to put in hard work, dedication, and commitment into the relationship. They may see the other person as someone with whom they can build a solid and lasting connection by focusing on the details and putting in the necessary effort. It could be a sign that the person needs to communicate their willingness to work hard for the relationship and show their dedication to the other person.

Reversed Feelings for Someone

Reversed, the Eight of Pentacles as feelings for someone may suggest that the person is feeling stuck or lacking the motivation to put in the necessary work for the relationship. They may be too focused on their own work or may be feeling unmotivated to put in the effort required to build a strong connection with the other person. It could be a sign that the person needs to reassess their priorities and find ways to break out of their routine to make the relationship a priority.

Alternatively, it may also suggest that the person feels that the other person is not putting in enough effort or commitment into the relationship. They may feel like they are the only one working hard to make the relationship work and may be feeling frustrated or resentful as a result. It could be a sign that the person needs to communicate their feelings to the other person and work together to find a solution to the blockage.