Five of Cups

Upright meaning

The Five of Cups can represent disappointment and loss. It may indicate a period of grief or sadness, often related to a recent event or decision. The card can also suggest a need for forgiveness and acceptance in order to move on from the past. The Five of Cups in the upright position may indicate a time of mourning, but also a potential for growth and healing.

Reversed meaning 

When the Five of Cups is reversed, it can indicate a blockage or resistance to acceptance and forgiveness. This card may suggest a continued focus on past disappointments and losses, which can prevent one from moving forward and embracing new opportunities. The reversal of the card can also suggest a need to confront and release negative emotions and attachments, in order to free oneself from the burden of the past. Overall, the reversed Five of Cups may indicate a need for greater self-awareness and emotional healing, as well as a willingness to let go of old wounds and move forward with positivity and hope.

Meaning for feelings for someone

Five of Cups as feelings for someone: The Five of Cups can represent a sense of disappointment or sadness in a relationship, often related to a recent event or decision. The card may indicate a sense of grief or mourning over the loss of the relationship or a particular aspect of it. The Five of Cups as feelings for someone can suggest a need for forgiveness and acceptance in order to move on from the past, as well as a potential for growth and healing.

Reversed meaning as feelings for someone

When the Five of Cups is reversed and represents feelings for someone, it can suggest a blockage or resistance to forgiveness and acceptance in the relationship. This card may indicate a continued focus on past disappointments and losses in the relationship, which can prevent one from moving forward and embracing new opportunities for growth and healing. The reversal of the card can also suggest a need to confront and release negative emotions and attachments related to the relationship, in order to free oneself from the burden of the past and open up to new possibilities.