Four of Wands
Upright meaning
The Four of Wands is a card of celebration, harmony, and stability. It represents a time of joy, abundance, and good fortune, and encourages you to celebrate your achievements with loved ones. This card suggests that you have reached a place of stability and security, and that you are surrounded by people who support and encourage you. The Four of Wands is a reminder to be grateful for the good things in your life, and to celebrate them with the people who matter most to you.
Reversed meaning
In the reversed position, the Four of Wands can indicate a lack of stability or harmony. You may be feeling unsettled or disconnected from the people around you, and may be struggling to find your place in the world. This card may be a reminder to focus on creating a sense of community and connection in your life, and to reach out to the people who support and care for you.
Meaning for feelings for someone
If you are asking about the Four of Wands in relation to your feelings for someone, it may indicate a sense of stability, harmony, and celebration in your relationship. You may feel deeply connected to that person, and may be surrounded by friends and family who support and celebrate your love. This card suggests that you are in a good place in your relationship, and encourages you to continue to nurture and grow your connection.
Reversed meaning as feelings for someone
If the Four of Wands is reversed in relation to your feelings for someone, it may indicate a lack of stability or harmony in your relationship. You may be feeling disconnected or unsupported in your connection with that person, and may be struggling to find a sense of community or celebration. This card could be a sign that it's time to reassess your relationship and determine whether you are truly supported and celebrated in that connection.