Page of Cups

Upright meaning

The Page of Cups is a card that is often associated with creativity, emotions, and intuition. It represents a new beginning or a fresh start, especially in matters related to the heart. This card can indicate the arrival of a message, gift, or invitation, and suggests that the person is open to receiving and giving love. The Page of Cups is also linked to a sense of playfulness and innocence, and can represent a young or childlike energy. This card may indicate a person in the querent's life who embodies these qualities, or it may represent the querent's own personality.

Reversed meaning

When the Page of Cups is reversed, it can suggest that the person is struggling to express their emotions or may be feeling blocked creatively. They may be experiencing a lack of inspiration or feeling like they're in a creative rut. Alternatively, the reversed Page of Cups may indicate that the person is being overly emotional or indulging in their feelings in a way that is not healthy or productive. They may be letting their emotions get the best of them, which can lead to misunderstandings or even conflicts in their relationships.

Meaning for feelings for someone

When it comes to feelings for someone, the Page of Cups can represent a person who feels attracted to their partner, but in a somewhat innocent and naive way. The emotions may feel juvenile, like a high-school crush or romantic feelings that are very new. The person may be drawn to their partner on an intuitive level and feel a sense of idealism and hopefulness in their connection. This card can also suggest that the person is being playful or adventurous in their approach to love, and is open to exploring new experiences with their partner.

Reversed meaning as feelings for someone

When the Page of Cups is reversed in the context of feelings for someone, it may suggest that the person is struggling to connect emotionally with their partner. They may be feeling blocked or stuck in their relationship, or may be experiencing difficulties in expressing their feelings. The reversed Page of Cups can also indicate that the person is being overly emotional or dramatic in their interactions with their partner, which can lead to misunderstandings or conflicts. Additionally, the reversed Page of Cups can represent immaturity in feelings, suggesting that the person may be struggling with jealousy or possessiveness towards their partner. It's important to address these emotions and work on communication to prevent any further strain on the relationship.