Page of Wands

Upright meaning 

The Page of Wands represents enthusiasm, creativity, and the beginning of a new journey. This card can indicate that you are feeling inspired and ready to take on new challenges. It may also suggest that you are exploring new interests or hobbies, or that you are embarking on a new project or venture. The Page of Wands is often associated with a youthful, energetic, and adventurous spirit, full of curiosity and a thirst for knowledge and experience. This card can also represent a person, such as a young or youthful figure who embodies these qualities.

Reversed meaning

Reversed, the Page of Wands suggests a blockage in the person's creativity and inspiration. It can indicate a lack of direction or purpose, and a tendency to get distracted or lose focus. The person may be feeling disinterested, uninspired, or unmotivated, and may need to take a break or seek new sources of inspiration to regain their enthusiasm.

Meaning for feelings for someone

The Page of Wands as feelings for someone may suggest that the person feels curious, intrigued, and inspired by the other person. They may see the other person as creative, passionate, and adventurous, and feel drawn to their energy and enthusiasm. It could be a sign that the person needs to engage in open and honest communication with the other person to build a stronger connection, and to learn from their example of creativity and inspiration.

Reversed meaning as feelings for someone

Reversed, the Page of Wands as feelings for someone may suggest that the person is feeling blocked or uninspired in their relationship with the other person. They may be experiencing a lack of enthusiasm, curiosity, or direction, and may need to take a break or seek new sources of inspiration to regain their interest. The person may also be experiencing a lack of communication or engagement with the other person, and may need to take action to rebuild their connection.