Queen of Swords
Upright meaning
The Queen of Swords often represents intelligence, sharpness, and independence. It can suggest that the person is honest and direct in communication, and is not afraid to speak their mind or stand up for themselves. This card can also indicate the importance of clarity, rational thinking, and cutting through illusions to see the truth.
Reversed meaning
The Queen of Swords reversed suggests that the person may be blocking a solution by being too critical or harsh in their communication with themselves or others. This card can indicate that the person is not seeing the whole picture or considering all the options, and may be causing harm with their words or actions. It may be a reminder to be more open-minded and compassionate, and to find a balance between clarity and sensitivity.
Meaning for feelings for someone
The Queen of Swords as feelings for someone may suggest that the person embodies the qualities of intelligence, sharpness, and independence. They may value clear and direct communication, and admire those who are not afraid to speak their mind or stand up for themselves. It could be a sign that the person needs to engage in honest and open-minded communication with the other person to build a stronger connection, and to find a partner who shares their values and qualities.
Reversed meaning as feelings for someone
The reversed Queen of Swords as feelings for someone may indicate that the person is blocking a solution by being too critical or harsh in their communication with the other person. It could suggest that they are not seeing the whole picture or considering all the options, and may be causing harm with their words or actions in the relationship. The card can indicate that the person needs to be more open-minded and compassionate to improve the relationship, and to find a balance between clarity and sensitivity. It may also suggest that the other person is being too critical or harsh, which may be causing a blockage in the relationship.