Seven of Pentacles
Upright meaning
Keywords: Patience, investment, growth, assessment, long-term view, perseverance.
The Seven of Pentacles represents a period of evaluation, contemplation, and assessment of progress. In the upright position, it suggests that the person is taking a break to reassess their achievements, progress, and investments. They are taking stock of what they have accomplished and considering what steps they need to take next to continue their growth. The person is patient, methodical, and willing to put in the time and effort to ensure that their hard work pays off in the long run.
Reversed meaning
Keywords: Stagnation, lack of progress, abandoned effort, unrealized potential, disappointment, impatience.
Reversed, the Seven of Pentacles suggests that the person may be feeling discouraged, frustrated, or stuck in their progress. They may feel that their hard work has not paid off, or that they are not seeing the desired results from their efforts. The person may be feeling impatient, anxious, or overwhelmed and may need to take a step back to reassess their approach or seek advice from others.
Feelings for someone
The Seven of Pentacles as feelings for someone may suggest that the person is feeling reflective and thoughtful about the relationship. They may feel that it is a time to evaluate the relationship from a practical point of view, assessing its strengths and weaknesses, and determining if it aligns with their goals and values. They may be considering if the relationship is worth the time and effort they are putting in and if it is meeting their needs. It could be a sign that the person needs to take a step back and reassess the relationship before moving forward, or to communicate their feelings and concerns with the other person in an honest and direct way.
Reversed feelings for someone
The reversed Seven of Pentacles as feelings for someone may suggest that the person feels a sense of frustration or uncertainty about the future of the relationship. They may feel stuck or blocked in their efforts to move forward, and may be struggling to make progress or see tangible results. It could be a sign that the person needs to examine any internal or external barriers that may be preventing them from taking action, such as fear or outside influences. The person may need to take a step back and reassess the relationship from a practical perspective, evaluating any potential roadblocks and finding ways to overcome them in order to move forward.