Seven of Wands

Upright meaning

The Seven of Wands is a card of perseverance and standing your ground. It suggests that you may be facing opposition or competition from others, and need to assert yourself and defend your position. This card represents a time of challenge, where you may feel like you're fighting an uphill battle, but it also signifies that you have the strength and courage to overcome any obstacles in your way. The Seven of Wands encourages you to stay true to your convictions and to be confident in your abilities, even in the face of adversity.

Reversed meaning

In the reversed position, the Seven of Wands can indicate a lack of confidence or fear of standing out or asserting yourself. You may be feeling overwhelmed or intimidated by the competition or opposition you're facing, and may be hesitant to speak up or take action. This card suggests that it's important to confront any underlying fears or doubts that are holding you back, and to trust in your own abilities and strengths.

Meaning for feelings for someone

If you are asking about the Seven of Wands in relation to your feelings for someone, it may indicate a need to assert yourself or stand up for your feelings in the relationship. You may be feeling a sense of competition or opposition from others, or may be facing challenges in the connection with that person. This card suggests that it's important to stay true to your convictions and to be confident in your feelings, even in the face of adversity.

Reversed meaning as feelings for someone

If the Seven of Wands is reversed in relation to your feelings for someone, it may indicate a lack of confidence or fear of asserting yourself in the relationship. You may be feeling overwhelmed or intimidated by the challenges or competition you're facing, and may be hesitant to speak up or take action. This card suggests that it's important to confront any underlying fears or doubts that are holding you back, and to trust in your own abilities and strengths. The Seven of Wands encourages you to stay true to your convictions and to be confident in your feelings, even in the face of adversity.