Ten of Cups

Upright meaning

The Ten of Cups is a card of emotional fulfillment and happiness, linked with family, home, and a sense of community. It represents a time when everything is in harmony, and the person is surrounded by love, joy, and contentment. This card often shows up when someone has achieved their goals and dreams, and is enjoying the fruits of their labor. It can also indicate a sense of community, as the person may feel supported and accepted by those around them.

Overall, the Ten of Cups is a card that represents emotional fulfillment and happiness, and reminds us to appreciate the blessings that we have in our lives. Whether we are experiencing this on a personal level or in our relationships, it's important to work towards creating more of the same in the future.

Reversed meaning 

The reversed Ten of Cups can indicate a sense of disharmony and disconnection. It suggests that the person may be feeling like they are not part of a community, or that their relationships are not bringing them the happiness and fulfillment they desire. This can be a difficult time with their home or loved ones, as the person may feel isolated or unloved.

Meaning for feelings for someone

When it comes to feelings for someone, the Ten of Cups suggests that the person is feeling deeply connected and in love with their partner. The card is linked with family, home, and a sense of fulfillment, so the person may feel like they have found their soulmate or their perfect match, and that their relationship is the source of their happiness and contentment. The Ten of Cups can also indicate that the person feels supported and accepted by their partner and loved ones, and that their relationship is surrounded by positive energy and good vibes. Overall, this card signifies a loving and harmonious relationship, where both partners are committed to building a happy and fulfilling life together.

Reversed meaning as feelings for someone

When it comes to feelings for someone, the reversed Ten of Cups suggests that the person may be feeling disconnected or dissatisfied in their relationship. This card is linked with family, home, and a sense of fulfillment, so the person may feel like their relationship is not providing the stability or future they had hoped for, or that their home life is dysfunctional in some way. They may feel like their partner is not meeting their needs, or that they are not receiving the emotional support they require. This can lead to feelings of frustration or even disillusionment, and may require some honest communication and reflection in order to address the underlying issues. Overall, this card signifies a need to reevaluate the relationship and find ways to create a more loving and harmonious dynamic with one's partner.