Ten of Swords

Upright meaning

The Ten of Swords often represents endings, betrayal, and pain. It can suggest that the person is experiencing a difficult situation or loss, and may be feeling overwhelmed with grief or despair. This card can also indicate the need to let go of the past and move on from painful experiences in order to begin the healing process.

Reversed meaning

The Ten of Swords reversed suggests that the person may be blocking a solution by holding onto pain and not allowing the healing process to begin. This card can indicate that the person is stuck in a negative cycle of thoughts and feelings, and may be resistant to letting go of the past. It may be a reminder to release negative thought patterns and beliefs and to focus on moving forward.

Meaning for feelings for someone

The Ten of Swords as feelings for someone may suggest that the person is feeling overwhelmed with grief or despair in the relationship. They may be experiencing a difficult situation or loss, and may be struggling to let go of painful experiences. It could be a sign that the person needs to address their pain and work on releasing negative thought patterns and beliefs in order to move forward.

Reversed meaning as feelings for someone

The reversed Ten of Swords as feelings for someone may indicate that the person is blocking a solution by holding onto pain and not allowing the healing process to begin in the relationship. It could suggest that they are stuck in a negative cycle of thoughts and feelings, and may be resistant to letting go of the past. The card can indicate that the person needs to release negative thought patterns and beliefs and focus on moving forward to improve the relationship.