Ten of Wands

Upright meaning

The Ten of Wands is a card that signifies a heavy burden or a difficult load to carry. It represents a time when you may be overwhelmed with responsibilities or feeling weighed down by your commitments. This card is a reminder to delegate tasks, ask for help, or let go of what no longer serves you. It can also represent the end of a cycle or project, where you are tying up loose ends and completing a final push towards your goal.

Reversed meaning

The Ten of Wands reversed indicates a release of burdens, a time when you are letting go of what no longer serves you. You may be lightening your load or passing on responsibilities to others. This card can also indicate that you are learning to say no to new commitments, or finding ways to manage your time more effectively.

MeaningĀ for feelings for someone

When it comes to feelings for someone, the Ten of Wands can represent a sense of burden or responsibility. You may feel like you are carrying the weight of the relationship or that you are putting in more effort than the other person. It can be a sign that you need to set boundaries or communicate your needs in the relationship.

Reversed meaning as feelings for someone

Reversed, the Ten of Wands can represent a release of burden or a sense of relief in the relationship. You may be finding ways to share responsibilities or to let go of expectations that have been weighing on you. This card can also indicate that you are learning to trust the other person and allowing them to share in the work of the relationship.