Two of Wands

Upright meaning

The Two of Wands is a card of vision, planning, and progress. It represents the initial stages of a creative endeavor or project, as you begin to lay out your ideas and make plans for the future. This card encourages you to have a clear vision of what you want to achieve, and to take steps towards making it a reality. The Two of Wands suggests that you have the potential to achieve great things, and encourages you to step out of your comfort zone and explore new opportunities.

Reversed meaning

In the reversed position, the Two of Wands can indicate a lack of focus or direction. You may be feeling uncertain about your goals or plans for the future, and may be struggling to make progress towards them. This card may be a reminder to take a step back and reassess your priorities, and to think carefully about the steps you need to take in order to achieve your goals.

Meaning for feelings for someone

If you are asking about the Two of Wands in relation to your feelings for someone, it may indicate a sense of partnership and shared vision. You may feel a strong connection with that person, and may share common goals and dreams. This card suggests that you have the potential to achieve great things together, and encourages you to work towards those shared goals.

Reversed meaning as feelings for someone

If the Two of Wands is reversed in relation to your feelings for someone, it may indicate a lack of shared vision or direction. You may be feeling disconnected from that person, or may be struggling to find common ground in your relationship. This card could be a sign that it's time to reassess your connection with that person and determine whether you share similar goals and values.