Four of Swords
Upright meaning
The Four of Swords is a card of rest and recuperation. It suggests a time of recovery after a period of stress or difficulty. This card advises taking a break and allowing yourself to rest and recharge, both physically and mentally. It can also indicate the need to withdraw from others and spend some time alone to focus on self-care and introspection. This card reminds us that taking time to pause and reflect can be an essential part of the healing process.
Reversed meaning
The reversed Four of Swords may suggest that you are struggling to find rest and relaxation. You may feel restless or agitated, unable to find peace of mind or a sense of calm. This card can also indicate the need to be mindful of overworking or burning out, and the importance of taking breaks and setting healthy boundaries to avoid exhaustion.
Meaning as feelings for someone
The Four of Swords as feelings for someone may indicate that you are currently taking a mental break from your relationship. You may be feeling idle and uninvolved in any issues, and you may be more focused on self-care and introspection at the moment.
Reversed meaning as feelings for someone
The reversed Four of Swords as feelings for someone may suggest that you are feeling restless and uneasy with your partner, and you may be using a mental break or avoidance as a way to escape having to confront issues head-on. You may be stuck in a cycle of feeling trapped in the relationship and unable to find the peace and relaxation you need. This card may also indicate a need to establish healthy boundaries and take time for self-care to avoid burnout, but it's important to remember that rest is not a permanent solution to underlying problems in the relationship. It may be helpful to seek the advice of others or professional guidance to help you address any unresolved issues.