Page of Swords
Upright meaning
The Page of Swords often represents intellectual curiosity, mental agility, and communication. It can suggest that the person is eager to learn, ask questions, and share ideas with others. This card can also indicate the importance of being honest and direct in communication, and of using one's mind to solve problems and overcome obstacles.
Reversed meaning
The Page of Swords reversed suggests that the person may be blocking a solution by becoming too defensive or closed-minded. This card can indicate that the person is refusing to consider new ideas or perspectives, and may be unwilling to engage in honest and direct communication. It may be a reminder to remain open to new ideas and to be honest with oneself and others.
Meaning for feelings for someone
The Page of Swords as feelings for someone may suggest that the person is mentally engaged and curious about the other person. They may be drawn to the other person's ability to solve problems and overcome obstacles, and may admire their mental agility that reflects their own. It could be a sign that the person needs to engage in honest and direct communication with the other person to build a stronger connection and satisfy their own curiosity and desire for mental stimulation. The card can indicate that the person values intellect and mental sharpness, and may be looking for someone who shares those qualities.
Reversed meaning as feelings for someone
The reversed Page of Swords as feelings for someone may indicate that the person is blocking a solution by becoming too defensive or closed-minded in the relationship. It could suggest that they are refusing to consider the other person's ideas or perspectives and may be unwilling to engage in honest and direct communication. The card can indicate that the person needs to remain open to new ideas and be honest with themselves and the other person to improve the relationship. It may also suggest that the other person is closed-minded or defensive, which may be causing a blockage in the relationship.