Six of Pentacles

Upright meaning

Keywords : Generosity, charity, giving, receiving, sharing, gratitude, kindness, compassion, support, aid, assistance, philanthropy

The Six of Pentacles is a card of generosity, charity, and giving. It represents the balance between giving and receiving, and encourages the individual to be charitable and kind to those who are less fortunate. It can indicate financial assistance, support, or help from others, and can also symbolize a time of sharing resources and knowledge.

Reversed meaning

Keywords : Greed, selfishness, unfairness, exploitation, hoarding, poverty, debt, financial struggles, lack of support, inequality.

The reversed Six of Pentacles may suggest a lack of generosity or an imbalance in giving and receiving. The person may be either taking too much or not giving enough, and this can lead to feelings of resentment, guilt, or shame. It may also indicate that the person is struggling financially and is unable to give or receive help.

Feelings for someone

The Six of Pentacles as feelings for someone may suggest that the person feels generous and giving towards the other person. They may be willing to share their resources, time, and energy in order to help the other person. They may see the other person as deserving of their assistance, and may feel a sense of satisfaction in being able to support them. It could be a sign that the person needs to communicate their generosity to the other person and find ways to support them in a way that is beneficial for both parties.

Reversed feelings for someone

The reversed Six of Pentacles as feelings for someone may suggest that the person feels guilty or ashamed for not being able to give or receive help from the other person. They may feel like they are taking advantage of the other person's generosity or like they are not contributing enough to the relationship. It could be a sign that the person needs to address the blockages that are preventing them from giving or receiving help and restore balance in the relationship.