Seven of Swords

Upright meaning

The Seven of Swords often indicates the need to be cautious and strategic in your actions. It can suggest that you may need to take a more underhanded approach to achieve your goals, perhaps by keeping your intentions hidden or deceiving others. This card can also represent a feeling of vulnerability and the need to protect yourself from harm.

While the Seven of Swords can sometimes suggest cheating or infidelity, it's important to remember that this is not always the case. The card can also represent deception in other areas of life, such as work or personal relationships, and should be interpreted in the context of the reading.

Reversed meaning

The reversed Seven of Swords can indicate a need to be more honest and straightforward in your dealings with others. It may suggest that your current approach is not working and that you need to take a more open and transparent approach to achieve your goals. This card can also represent a fear of being caught in a lie or a sense of guilt over past deceptive behavior.

Meaning as feelings for someone

The Seven of Swords as feelings for someone may suggest that you feel a need to be secretive or deceptive in your dealings with this person, perhaps to protect yourself from being hurt. Alternatively, you may feel a sense of mistrust or suspicion towards this person, believing that they are hiding something from you or that they may not have your best interests at heart. This card often suggests that one person is involved in deceptive behavior or betrayal in the relationship, which could manifest as actions like internet stalking or spying on the other. It's important to examine your motives and communicate honestly with your partner to avoid further damage to the relationship.

Reversed meaning as feelings for someone

The reversed Seven of Swords as feelings for someone may indicate a desire to be more honest and upfront with this person. You may feel guilty about past deceptive behavior or may want to establish a more open and transparent relationship with them. Alternatively, this card can suggest that you feel that this person has betrayed your trust or that they may be hiding something from you. It's important to communicate openly and honestly with this person to avoid further misunderstandings.