The High Priestess
Upright Meaning
Keywords: Intuition, mystery, inner knowledge, wisdom, spiritual, hidden, subconscious.
The High Priestess is a card of intuition, mystery, and inner knowledge. It suggests that you should listen to your inner voice and trust your own instincts when it comes to making decisions. The High Priestess is a reminder that there is a deep well of wisdom within you, and that you have the ability to access this wisdom through meditation, dreams, or other forms of inner exploration. This card also represents a sense of mystery and the unknown, and encourages you to be open to the hidden aspects of the world around you.
Reversed Meaning
In the reversed position, the High Priestess can indicate a lack of intuition or inner knowledge. You may be feeling disconnected from your own inner voice, and may be struggling to trust your own instincts. Alternatively, it could suggest that you are ignoring or suppressing your own intuition and inner wisdom, and may need to focus on connecting with these aspects of yourself in order to find a solution to your problems. You may be feeling stuck or blocked in your current situation, and may need to explore your inner world in order to find a way forward. The reversed High Priestess can also indicate that someone is giving the silent treatment, either intentionally or as a result of feeling disconnected or blocked in their communication.
Feelings for someone
Keywords: Lack of intuition, disconnection, blocked, ignored intuition, suppressed wisdom, silent treatment.
When the High Priestess represents someone's feelings towards another person, it suggests that they feel a strong connection to this person on a deep and intuitive level. They may sense that this person has hidden depths or mysteries that they want to explore, and they may be drawn to their spiritual or psychic abilities. The person may also embody the qualities of the High Priestess, such as intuition, inner knowledge, and mystery.
Reversed feelings for someone
In the reversed position, the High Priestess as feelings for someone could indicate a lack of connection on a deep or intuitive level. The person may feel blocked or disconnected from their partner, and may be struggling to trust their own instincts when it comes to the relationship. They may be ignoring or suppressing their own intuition and inner wisdom, and may need to work on exploring their inner world in order to build a stronger connection with their partner. Overall, the reversed High Priestess as feelings for someone suggests a need to focus on inner exploration and connect with one's own intuition in order to build a stronger and more meaningful relationship, and to work on improving communication and avoiding the silent treatment.