The Wheel of Fortune

Upright Meaning

Keywords: Luck, change, cycles, destiny, unexpected, turning point.

The Wheel of Fortune represents the cyclical nature of life and the constant changes and opportunities that come with it. In its upright position, it indicates a turning point, where one's destiny or circumstances may shift and new opportunities may arise. The person may feel a sense of excitement and anticipation for what the future holds, and may be open to taking risks and exploring new paths. This card can also suggest that one's luck is changing for the better, or that positive changes are on the horizon.

Reversed Meaning

Keywords: Resistance to change, bad luck, external forces, stagnation, upheaval

In the reversed position, the Wheel of Fortune can indicate a period of stagnation or feeling stuck in a rut. The person may feel that they are experiencing a run of bad luck or that they are being held back from progressing in life. Alternatively, the reversed Wheel of Fortune may indicate that the person is resisting necessary changes or is failing to take advantage of new opportunities. They may be struggling to adapt to new circumstances or to let go of old patterns and beliefs that are no longer serving them. The key is to remain open and flexible to change, even if it is uncomfortable or uncertain.

Feelings for someone

When the Wheel of Fortune represents someone's feelings towards another person, it can suggest a sense of excitement and anticipation for the future of the relationship. The person may feel that their connection with their partner is fated or meant to be, and may be open to exploring new paths and taking risks with their partner. This card can also suggest a deep sense of trust and faith in the relationship, as if it is being guided by a higher power. The person may feel that their partner is a positive force in their life, bringing new opportunities and adventures into their world.

Reversed  feelings for someone

In the reversed position as feelings for someone, the Wheel of Fortune can indicate that the person is feeling stuck or stagnant in the relationship. They may feel that their connection with their partner is not progressing or that they are being held back from exploring new paths and opportunities. Alternatively, the reversed Wheel of Fortune may indicate that the person is resisting necessary changes in the relationship, or is failing to adapt to new circumstances. The key is for the person to remain open and flexible, even if it is uncomfortable or uncertain, and to trust that the changes that are happening will ultimately lead to growth and new possibilities in the relationship.